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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Our God Is Love"

My prayer is that people would see God's amazing love through my life.

"I pray that the "supernatural" in my life would become natural. Most songs get old, I pray that my love for Jesus Christ would never get old. God, I pray that I would be open to receive your plan for my life. 'I lay my life before you, and I'm not getting up.' Allow me to listen to Your Word. Place people in my life that will protect me and keep me on the right track."

If you're reading this, that's my prayer for you as well. God loves everyone, don't let that slip away. I'm only 16, but I pray that God will change my life in a radical way that when people see my life they say "Wow, Praise the Lord! Surely God is Love" and not just "He's an awesome dude!" Please pray for me that I would stay in His presence. So many things are happening in my life now and I don't want to stray away. That's all I really have for today.

EXCEPT that this morning I woke up at the normal time and still had time to spend with God. I opened my little "daily bread" thing that I use for quick studies and the story had to do with a girl kayaking (fav. sport if you can't tell) and she flipped but was suddenly saved JUST before her death. God likes to come in at the best times to prove that He is there, but that we just need to have faith :]


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