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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Been A While

So, apparently ya'll can see from the name of this post that its been a while since I've blogged. I've needed to.

SO many great and wonderful things have been going on in my life and I feel the need to share them because it has to do with God and if anything is worth hearing its God's messages. I guess I'll just start haha

1. So, a while back on Wednesday night at church, there was a missionary who came from India to talk to the adults. Our youth pastor told us that we would be going downstairs to "hear" him. Well, we "heard" him, but understanding him was a little hard haha. But, what I DID get out of his message was that our youth is precious in the Lord's eyes. He shared a story saying, "Imagine you just made fresh bread. That bread can fill you up and please your hunger. Just its smell can change your mood. But if the bread waits too long on the counter, it becomes hard and moldy. Then it can't do anything." Now, compare that to today's youth. He was saying that we have the power to change people's lives-quick. But if we waste our lives, worrying about tomorrow or what people think about us, we become useless. That's why we have to get out in the world and share the story of the one who died for us!

2. Not everything's happy and joy. There's times in my life where I don't feel good enough and just down. But that doesn't happen when I'm with God. Whenever I pray and talk to Him, I can feel that I'm worthy and loved for who I am, not having to change anything about me. One thing I've been worrying about way to much is being perfect. Nobody can be perfect and if you think that, I'm sorry but you'll just be "rotten bread" by trying. God's shown me that I don't have to worry and my life has been a gagillion times better.

But proof of this was when Danie Eric Groves band came to Cornerstone one night. He was a wonderful worship leader and the presence of God was there that night. He spent time to tell us a story of a woman who had been healed of blindness then he gave prophesied and some of our youth were radically changed. I thought to myself, maybe my heart could be changed so I wouldn't worry. Then he called up the youth and wanted to pray over us. When he got to the person beside me, his prayer was really long and powerful which was great for that person, but what was even better was when he got to me and said "You're a lion." This whole time I've been praying for God to tell me I was worth it and here I am being called a lion like I'm courageous, when the whole time I've thought that I wasn't! Those were the only words I needed-and they've changed me.

3. This past Wednesday at church was a God-filled, God-controlling, coming-together time for out youth! We  worshiped like never before and when what we thought was the message came, our youth pastor said we would be sharing what's been going on in our lives. "sweet!" I thought. I was sitting there wanting to be the first but too afraid - which was stupid now. But I was shaking and I felt I was gonna blow up if I didn't say anything. (fact is: I didn't know what to say) I got up there and just poured my heart out and afterwards what happened, how I felt, was like the calm after the storm. I felt peace again and I felt I could trust my friends. What the great thing is is that the rest of the youth went up and poured THEIR hearts out! It was amazing. That night we stayed 1 hour and like 15 minutes after the time we were supposed to leave. Then when we left, I told some guys that we should go somewhere and talk more. Well it was only three of us, but we shared amazing things and I felt trust, godly trust! And let me tell you, that's 1 thing you don't ever want to lose.

Let God change you in greater ways than ever. It can only get better, and you'll only move forward.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Wade--glad God is doing good things in you and that you are taking the time to recognize it. God is great in you. Thanks for sharing.
