Worship has a significant meaning to many people. I'm one of these people and, personally, I love slow Spirit-filled worship. It doesn't matter how fast you can play, how loud your speakers sound, or what brand of instrument you play on-as long as you're lifting up your all to God and giving Him the glory, you're worshiping.
Recently I joined the youth praise band at my church. What do I play you ask? Well, in about August of 2010 I started teaching myself how to play piano. In time my parents caught on and provided me with lessons. So as you can see I decided to play the piano in the band. (Unless I played the trumpet, but seeing as that would be a tad bit awkward, I don't.)
For the first couple of weeks it was tough, I didn't know any of the chords on the piano-I only knew how to read sheet music. BUT!! I learned pretty quick how to tell a C#m chord from an Am! haha :]
Anywho, getting back on track before I bore you to death, the band had been practicing a plethora of new songs to play at a "gig," which happened to be a Disciple-Now that was being put on by 2 of the area churches. Let me tell you though, we had been praying for these kids that were going to this D-Now. About how the Spirit would open up their hearts and minds to let go of any distractions and just worship the Lord.
After about 3 months of practicing and praying, the time for us to go down to the D-Now had arrived. :]
We were all excited when we set up our equipment, practiced once, then played our first songs for the night. But let me tell you, I was in the wrong mindset that night-I was playing for my glory and fame, not His. I had looked at the situation like I was performing and not worshiping. The consequence for my actions, I guess, was that I jacked up what I was supposed to have practically memorized! To be honest, I sucked. Although I played bad, I noticed why I was playing bad pretty quick.
The message that was supposed to be spoken that night was totally thrown out the window, and instead what was preached was how we need to deny ourselves. I was convinced-and convicted-that I need worship in my life like never before. I really need worship in order to quench my spirit.
On the second morning, worship was way more meaningful to me. It was really only just a couple of fast songs to wake up the campers but it still helped prepare my heart for that night...
I can let y'all know what happened that night. :] so, after we had all spent the day together as a band and prepared our hearts, the songs we were going to play included, "Let It Rain, How He Loves, Mighty Breath Of God, and With Everything." Now, if you don't know these songs they are slow moving worship-filled songs.. (just like I like 'em) As we started to play we let the campers know that they just need to let go of all their holding on to and grab hold of God and just worship. Right then and there people started raising their hands and focusing on God; It was very intense. I saw some people didn't know the songs but they were singing anyway! After we finished, the message was told about how all we need is God-To take up our cross and follow Him. When the preacher stopped he asked the band to come up and play again afterward. (Now, the band had come up with the idea that, since this was the last night, we should worship until people felt like they had gotten right with God.) So we started praying and playing-all off the hand, no script or anything.
God led worship.
When we started playing "Let it Rain" again-it started thundering! People were crouched down praying, holding on to their life-sized wooden crosses their youth pastors gave them as a lesson.
I've never felt a feeling like that until that night - a feeling that says, "I would love to see people changed by God EVERY time I play!" :]
Well, take what you want of that story. However, just know that I was changed and others were changed by just worshipping. And that, my friends, was worship.

Recently I joined the youth praise band at my church. What do I play you ask? Well, in about August of 2010 I started teaching myself how to play piano. In time my parents caught on and provided me with lessons. So as you can see I decided to play the piano in the band. (Unless I played the trumpet, but seeing as that would be a tad bit awkward, I don't.)
For the first couple of weeks it was tough, I didn't know any of the chords on the piano-I only knew how to read sheet music. BUT!! I learned pretty quick how to tell a C#m chord from an Am! haha :]
Anywho, getting back on track before I bore you to death, the band had been practicing a plethora of new songs to play at a "gig," which happened to be a Disciple-Now that was being put on by 2 of the area churches. Let me tell you though, we had been praying for these kids that were going to this D-Now. About how the Spirit would open up their hearts and minds to let go of any distractions and just worship the Lord.
After about 3 months of practicing and praying, the time for us to go down to the D-Now had arrived. :]
We were all excited when we set up our equipment, practiced once, then played our first songs for the night. But let me tell you, I was in the wrong mindset that night-I was playing for my glory and fame, not His. I had looked at the situation like I was performing and not worshiping. The consequence for my actions, I guess, was that I jacked up what I was supposed to have practically memorized! To be honest, I sucked. Although I played bad, I noticed why I was playing bad pretty quick.
The message that was supposed to be spoken that night was totally thrown out the window, and instead what was preached was how we need to deny ourselves. I was convinced-and convicted-that I need worship in my life like never before. I really need worship in order to quench my spirit.
On the second morning, worship was way more meaningful to me. It was really only just a couple of fast songs to wake up the campers but it still helped prepare my heart for that night...
I can let y'all know what happened that night. :] so, after we had all spent the day together as a band and prepared our hearts, the songs we were going to play included, "Let It Rain, How He Loves, Mighty Breath Of God, and With Everything." Now, if you don't know these songs they are slow moving worship-filled songs.. (just like I like 'em) As we started to play we let the campers know that they just need to let go of all their holding on to and grab hold of God and just worship. Right then and there people started raising their hands and focusing on God; It was very intense. I saw some people didn't know the songs but they were singing anyway! After we finished, the message was told about how all we need is God-To take up our cross and follow Him. When the preacher stopped he asked the band to come up and play again afterward. (Now, the band had come up with the idea that, since this was the last night, we should worship until people felt like they had gotten right with God.) So we started praying and playing-all off the hand, no script or anything.
God led worship.
When we started playing "Let it Rain" again-it started thundering! People were crouched down praying, holding on to their life-sized wooden crosses their youth pastors gave them as a lesson.
I've never felt a feeling like that until that night - a feeling that says, "I would love to see people changed by God EVERY time I play!" :]
Well, take what you want of that story. However, just know that I was changed and others were changed by just worshipping. And that, my friends, was worship.
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