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Thursday, December 9, 2010


  • Pretense - a false show of something
Today I was riding around town just thinking. I though about my friends and their lives that they live; I thought about God, and this calling I have; I thought that maybe its not just a "calling" of some sort. Everybody's called for the Lord. Its the Great Commission people.

Why is it that a kid that's retarded gets made fun? Or if you're not "cool enough" you don't get invited to a party that you probably shouldn't be going to anyway? Why do people live such fake lives - acting like their living for something amazing, when all they're really doing is getting by each day as if it were a given.

The only reason I'm telling you this is that I believe that I deserve a life worth living. One where I can see the smile on people's faces when they hear the good news of the gospel. Or see a whole family get saved and baptized for the first time. Yea, it may take a while, and it may take my life, but these are the things worth living for.

Just imagine the first time in your life God spoke to you. The first time you were saved or filled with the Spirit. How was that feeling? Well of course it had to be life-changing! These were the most important dates of my life, and I'll never forget them. You see, when God comes over you and you enter into His presence, this overwhelming joy hits you like a hammer on a nail: it feels natural, it feels right.

Now imagine this: you had just witnessed to somebody about Jesus Christ and they just passed you off as some weirdo with no life. Or maybe they made fun of you and mocked you. But listen, what if you went back and told them again? What if they didn't mock you but God spoke to them through you and they actually listened? Imagine seeing this joy and peace pass over that person and them accepting the Lord as their savior. <- THESE are the things we need to strive for. These are the things that make me happy to see. They're the moments in life that seem so small at first, but end up saving a soul!

Okay, so I'm gonna leave off with more lyrics to a great song.
Dance With Me-Jesus Culture

Behold You have come over the hills upon the mountain
To me, You will run. My Beloved, You've captured my heart

Won't You dance with me, Oh
Lover of my soul,
to the song of all songs?

With You, I will go You are my Love You are my Fair One
The winter has passed and the springtime has come

Won't You dance with me, Oh
Lover of my soul,
to the song of all songs?

Romance me, Oh
Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs.


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