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Monday, November 1, 2010

So, I've come to a conclusion.

The happiest and saddest moment in one's life is when they find what truly lies underneath.

Its the happiest because when that person does find their true self - not one that changes like the seasons, but is consistent throughout their life - they feel an overwhelming sense of completion.

Its the saddest because the realization of finding yourself only leads to the question, "What's next?" Finding the answer to that takes the entirety of a person's life. They must find what truly satisfies them; and to me, this possesses two challenges - one of life and death.

The first, to me, is this: you need to put away the person that you recently found, the one you spent years looking for, and take up Him. You must die to that person and become one that follows Him.
"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it." Luke 9:24
If you don't, your pride will take over and the devil could win you over. We must all put our trust in Him before we can "die" daily and "become the least of these."

The second challenge Christians face is this: we must decide what to do when we meet God face-to-face. In heaven.

For me, this is my favorite challenge. Why? Because I know that the only probable solution is to fall on my knees and worship. To me, worship is fun. It gets me going. Restores me. And when I have the chance to worship for an eternity, it gets me excited knowing that I won't have to worry about the next "arrow" the devil will try to shoot at me.

These are the challenges that I've seen. So how are you gonna tackle them?

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