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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Three books that will change your life.

Hey, this bog post I decided to step back from acting like I knew it all. I decided to pass on some advice to those who are looking for advice. So, I'm listing 3 life-changing books that I've read this past month that will give you an amazing look at giving your all for Him.

Forgotten God - Francis Chan

This book. What can I really say? Its Francis Chan speaking about how the church has "successfully" recreated church without the power of the Holy Spirit. If anyone has followed previous blogs, they would understand why I read this: I had just been filled, and now have knowledge of how He can really touch people's lives. Reading "Forgotten God" has kept my knowledge and faith in Him alive and also proved that what I had done was true. Please read =]

Radical - David Platt
Living for God and giving everything you have to Him can sometimes be called Radical. I guess if we look back on the Bible we know that all the famous Christians were. Pretty much this book takes amazing stories of present-day Christians giving their lives for Him along with the repeating phrases of how much better your life can be if we would only respond to what He's telling us: Take up our cross and deny ourselves daily for the sake of others. Platt uses great stories to stir emotions, but as the book goes on, he gets more serious and tells us of people that get decapitated or killed and cannibalized in foreign nations for the sake of the Gospel. Yea, who would do that we ask. Well, it turns out that the people that did these things didn't reach them, yet the people that came after them ended up turning the whole national religion around! At the end David challenges us to live out our lives for Him and spreading His glory. Definitely a great book. Changed my life! Read it.

Crazy Love
I began reading this book about the middle of October with the FBC youth group. We're doing a Bible study on it each week Sunday nights. This book does define what it truly means to be in love with God and not just in love with the things He provides for us. I found new meanings to great verses through this book and also didn't feel alone when I read it, seeing as about 20 other folks were reading it too. Along with the previous book I mentioned, the world is going to call people that are in love with God "radical." I say that this radical life that we're living should be the normal Christian life. There are now shades of grey in His kingdom. A lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron, there is no such thing, but people who live an obsessed life in love with Him show the world that our love for Him is worth our lives and this "religion"  we're a part of is the real deal. Like I said, ya'll need to read this book!

I'm not some critic of books, I'm just telling you that when I read these books they changed my life. Of course, none of these are gonna change your life if you don't expect them to. If you're gonna read them, take them seriously and don't ever substitute it for your daily devotion with God. These books just help us along the way =]


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