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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Our God Is Love"

My prayer is that people would see God's amazing love through my life.

"I pray that the "supernatural" in my life would become natural. Most songs get old, I pray that my love for Jesus Christ would never get old. God, I pray that I would be open to receive your plan for my life. 'I lay my life before you, and I'm not getting up.' Allow me to listen to Your Word. Place people in my life that will protect me and keep me on the right track."

If you're reading this, that's my prayer for you as well. God loves everyone, don't let that slip away. I'm only 16, but I pray that God will change my life in a radical way that when people see my life they say "Wow, Praise the Lord! Surely God is Love" and not just "He's an awesome dude!" Please pray for me that I would stay in His presence. So many things are happening in my life now and I don't want to stray away. That's all I really have for today.

EXCEPT that this morning I woke up at the normal time and still had time to spend with God. I opened my little "daily bread" thing that I use for quick studies and the story had to do with a girl kayaking (fav. sport if you can't tell) and she flipped but was suddenly saved JUST before her death. God likes to come in at the best times to prove that He is there, but that we just need to have faith :]


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Westgate Day With Brooke

So Saturday I went to westgate to walk their 5k trail they have, which I think I'm gonna do every Sat. from now on, with Brooke at 7 IN THE MORNING. We were walking and apparently they were hosting a 5k run with the runner's club. Haha, we were embarrased. But when we got done at about 9 that morning we went to BK to get a croissant. =]Then we went to Solomon park to do a Bible Study. When we got there Brooke started reading from Luke, but I told her to go to James, and basically what we got from the message was that when we accept Jesus into our hearts to become a Christian, that is symbolic of His blood covering our lives. So that gave me this idea: Since the Old Testament has a bunch of examples that reflect the New Testament, maybe Jesus' blood that covers our lives when we become Christians reflects the Passover! I've never thought about this, but maybe you have. In the Old Testament, God came down to destroy all those who didn't have Lamb's blood on their doorway. That's why the Jews celebrated the passover. Because they were the people that originally followed what God told them and were saved. When we become Christians, God saves us from the horrible death that awaits us sinners. We die and then when God finally judges us, he'll see that our lives have been covered by the ultimate sacrifice, the Lamb of God, and we'll be saved from Hell. I've never thought of the Passover this way, but it all comes into perspective for me.

WHICH makes me so much more excited for communion; And I know that we can have communion anytime we wish, but it makes it really intimate when we save it for a special time with others.

That leads me to a new topic. Wednesday at 1st priority, Thomas talked about how when we perform communion, we need to respect and glorify Jesus because He died for us; And to tell God that we're waiting for Him to come back and that we'll live for Him till He does. =] hope this made your day

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Headland High School: '10-'11 Year

SO! Today is Thursday, August 12th!! School starts tomorrow and I'm ready for an exciting Junior year at Headland High School =] I can't wait to see what God has in store for HHS this year so that's why I'm posting this. Today is the day before school as you probably know already because I've told you 5 Gajillion times haha and I decided to dedicate the time I have to God, praying and studying His Word. I've been praying for Him to anoint my life to where others can see Him through me. And I've been praying for the leaders in school as well as the students that their eyes would be open to receive what He wants them to know. I pray that God would use me in school and allow me to gain friends in Christ so they can lift my spirits when I need it most. I know that I can make it without friends and with Christ by my side, but I also know that godly fellowship helps. So if you're reading this, this is my mission for you!! =D

1. Pray that God would show people at HHS that He's with us and that the devil will not win over our students.

2. Pray that I would be a servant to others when they need it most and that I would live in His presence so others come to me for help.

3. Pray that staff and leaders would show others His love for them in their lives and that they won't be hard on students.

4. Pray that this school will give me the most opportunities to share Christ with others and that HHS would come together as a family in Him.

P.S. - Headland High is not labeled as a Christian school because they are public, but I'm putting my foot down and saying that there are people in this school that need to know the plans God has for them. I won't let what we're labeled as get in the way of God's plans.

Your Brother In Christ,