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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Call & The Walk

Do you every feel like you have an amazing transcendent life just waiting for you around the corner?

That's the theme that a spectacular book called "Wild at Heart" uses. And that's what I've been trying to base my thoughts on this week.

As a Christian, I believe its outrageously important to read God's word every day; I believe God has an amazing plan for my life as well as everyone around me. Why else would He have spoke through the prophet in Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope!
As I'm getting older, the life I wanted to live (Architect, Doctor, Lawyer) no longer interests me. When I say 'getting older' I don't mean age; I mean in my walk with God. I know that there's a strong pull for me to become an evangelist. I would love to lead the multitudes toward the Father's love and I keep praying that He would show me the way from His Spirit. All I need an amazing relationship with Him.

By the way, Brooke has a life-changing opportunity to go to El Salvador. I need to pray for her because I know there's a strong missionary calling in her life. (She's more of a missionary/worship leader & I'm more of the evangelist/missionary.) Ha, we always were different. I'm leaving this with a quote from the amazing book that inspired me to go on an adventure with God. To find my real name - the name He calls & loves me with. =]
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Gil Bailie

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

His Illuminating Love

Everyone sins; I sin, you sin. A problem I've had is being convicted. I don't feel like I did anything wrong after I talk about someone or just be rude that day. A couple weeks ago, I would talk bad about someone or give them a dirty look and God would convict me as quick as I did it. Most of the time I would go up to them & tell them the truth about how I felt and that I was sorry and I would feel God's love again. These past couple of days I've realized this: God's always going to be with you, but we need to seek his face. I've always heard this, but now I really understand. You see, God's presence is going to be there wherever you go. You can't escape Him. Sin can't be in His presence; so you know what that means? That means that when we sin, we turn our backs on Him, therefore not seeing His face and feeling his love. Its like when we're out on a hot day - and we stand under the shade - we can't feel the heat of the sun or see all around us. When we enter sin's presence we exit God's illuminating love.

God's always going to love us. Just like a father love his son, He will love us.

Now, think about this: Father's love their sons always. But, don't they also discipline them? Discipline doesn't just mean to punish, it means rewarding when you do right and punishing when you do wrong.

God's reward for us following His Word and keeping His commandments ISN'T: a new car, a girlfriend, or even paying the bills on time. His reward is allowing us to see His face and feel His love. AND THAT'S ALL WE NEED! That's all I ever really hope for! And of course, His punishment for us is not allowing us to see His face - the Face of love.

The things I've realized this past week is that the more I'm away from God, the less I'm going to feel His convictions. Like the song says "The more I seek You, the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love You."

I pray that I would see God face-to-face and in doing that, I would feel His love and reflect it towards other people. This really hits home for me. =]
