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Monday, August 22, 2011

I Wanna Be Heaven Minded

I've done a bunch of stuff over the summer: Work, band camp, carrying crosses, concerts, church, friends visiting from Germany, lake and river trips, and a bunch of just hanging out. Pack all of that into one summer and what do you get? No, not gray hairs; you come out with experiences.
This post is starting to sound annoying already so I'll get to the important part, how God interferes with my life and teaches me important ways.

I've done some stupid things in my life already - Do I regret them? No, but I do wish that I would've learned from those mistakes better than I did. You see, it's funny how one minute I can be worshiping God and feeling loved but the next minute hanging out with the wrong crowd and completely denying Christ. I'm not saying that I personally said "I deny Christ." It's a lot more complicated than that. (Not really, but from my human perspective it is.) It's the fact that not living for Him every minute I'm breathing is in it's entity denying Christ in my perspective.

I always say to myself how all I want to do is just be with God and live in His Presence. And by no means is it wrong to tell yourself that, as long as you don't get distracted from the fact that you can have that intimacy. I found myself riding in the car the other day singing along with some worship music and thinking, "Why am I doing this, why do I memorize the words but not understand them completely? It's not another song I can tap my foot to, its an experience I get to be with God."

Another thought that always runs through the back of my mind is that I am going to die one day. People always tell me to live the life I am "meant" to live. Well, maybe who I am isn't determined by what I've done or what my name is. Maybe it's not even about what I am - for I am "fearfully and wonderfully made." and by that I am unique. I'm able to live my own life; do you know what that means? I have NO boundaries! I can do "all things through Christ who strengthens me" literally. There's not a life already mapped out for me that I'm supposed to follow. I have to find out for myself what I want to do - then do it. A "Modern Day Explorer" is what I want to call myself because I have to find my own path - my own walk with Christ; I have to explore the great unknown which is my life.

All this said and I come out with what - 2 quoted scripture?  Are you getting what I'm saying? If I only need those 2 verses to get my life started, how much more fulfilled will my life be if I actually live in the Bible. Jesus even said "People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." And therefore reading the Bible is essential and completely necessary for us to live! Well, I just thought of this and I really think I should say it but Rene Descartes once said, "I think therefore I am." Well, I want to rephrase that and say, "Christ died, therefore I am!" Haha

I'm gonna leave off with the lyrics to another song. This one is called "Forever and a Day" by Bethel Live:

I was afraid; Your love set me free
I was in debt; You paid the price for me
I was hurt; You took away my pain

I was alone until You called my name
I was broken and You mended me
Before I was You love me

You healed my body and You made me whole
No matter what I do you don't let go

I will sing to the King: I am the ransomed one
How I love Your holy name
Holy to the Lamb who was slain
When I laugh and when I cry
You are the reason why
How I long to be with You
Forever and a day

When I go to bed You are near
When I wake up You are there
When I call Your name You are here
When I walk in faith You're everywhere

You catch and save every tear I cry
You journal everyday all about my life
Your love for me reaches to the sky
I am Yours -- You are mine

I was ashamed
You called me beautiful
Now I'm Yours
You called me beautiful